Tuesday 1 December 2015

Planning The Movie Poster!

Time to plan the movie poster! I have not had much experience with Photoshop until the lesson with Sophie. But I am working really hard to create an effective poster that will attract the target demographic. I have learnt many skills from Photoshop so far such as applying texts, colours and images. As I am not familiar with the software, it has taken me quite a long time to create the poster because I have had to take my time and not rush as I am not a professional photo editor. Hopefully, I will produce an intriguing poster because I have worked hard and have overcome many obstacles.
As you can see blow, there is a photo I found which is of the mask we use in our short film. It is really effective as it looks as though it fades into the black background showing the person underneath has a hidden identity and creates enigma. I think I could possibly place this in the centre of my short film poster because it is really eye catching and does not give too much away about the short film. Its a simple image but really creates an interest and an intense atmosphere!! The black and white colours contrast one another and are symbolic of the thriller and crime genre.

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