Tuesday 15 December 2015

Final Poster Choices

We have decided on which two posters we are going to use for our poster. We will use:

Callum's Poster
We have chosen to use this poster for many reasons. Firstly, Callum has used photoshop for many years and was very comfortable and confident with creating this poster. On the other hand, Greg and I have never used photoshop before and knew little about the software. We both practiced in order to create an effective poster. There are many great aspects of this poster that really appeal to the target demographic (young adults.) The main image used in Callum's poster includes the two main characters which inform the audience and already give them clues which will make them want to watch the short film. The two images are close but not looking directly at each other which shows a sense of competition and rivalry which is displayed in our film. Also, I really like the colour scheme Callum used as the colours are very mysterious and enigmatic. The use of smoke is synonymous of the thriller and crime genre. Callum has included all the aspects of a film poster such as the title, reviews, actors and the credit block. We chose this poster because it looks very realistic and I could see it in magazines (Little White Lies) as well as online. It really captures the mood of the poster and I believe that he has really made the villain look frightening and quite creepy by the light behind him. He has used a different costume to the short film such as the hat and the tie but it works because it makes the villain look like a typical character from a thriller film who inflicts fear and danger on others. Lastly, I believe that the font for the title "Exhibit J" and other texts is bold and stands out as it has a shadow behind it and catches peoples eyes. The white colour stands out from the black background and the main image.

I can really see this poster online as it is an intriguing and artistic poster, the demographic will want to watch our short film because the enigmatic atmosphere creates an interest from the audience on social networking.

Sofia's Poster (with parts of Greg's poster)
We decided as a group to chose my poster (Sofia) but to also incorporate aspects of Greg's poster as he had some really good ideas. This poster is very different compared to Callum's, we wanted to show a variety of designs to display our short film. The darkness and mystery of this poster is very effective as it looks like a typical thriller film poster. Its quite simple as it only uses one main image but is eye catching. I chose to use a black background because it makes the text and image stand out but it also looks gloomy and threatening which is also portrayed in the image. I chose this image because it is quite disorientated and it fades into the background to show that the villain "J" has a hidden identity in our film. The mask is very synonymous and well known as it is used in many thrillers and horrors because it is very creepy and spine chilling. I chose white text for the reviews, actors and credit block so that they fit with the image and can be clearly seen in front of the dark background. Greg's poster included the main actors which I was missing so he came up with idea of including them in my poster. As you can see, I played the actors names around the mask so that they surrounded the bottom of the masks point.  The title "Exhibit J" is in a red colour to connote blood and danger. The font also looks slightly aged to add enigma to the poster. I decided to include our group logo for "NewbieHills" which is green hills in the bottom left of the poster to show who produced the film. In addition, social networking sites are linked to the poster to show where we are advertising our film and where it is available. Short films rely on advertising online as they do not have the budget to be shown in cinemas or on big billboard like feature films. The main sites Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are shown because they are the most popular with the target audience (young adults) and are now easily accessible as everyone owns some sort of smart device. In conclusion, I believe that by using Gregs ideas and my ideas we have created a great poster which really captures the themes in our short film. We have worked really well as a group during the poster stage and have produced 2 powerful film posters!

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