Saturday 5 December 2015

Little White Lies Magazine: The Layout


The reviews section of Little White Lies magazine is a part of the magazine that doesn't change depending on the cover and it's style. All the reviews follow the exact same layout, until they change up their look, which happens every couple of years. The version of the LWLs reviews I am trying to replicate are from 2013/14.

With this version, there is always a screenshot from the film taking up the whole top of the page. It's horizontal length never changes, but the depth can change depending on how much is written in the review.

Underneath the picture there is the name of the film. The film title is the biggest piece of text on the page and it's always in a font called century gothic. Underneath the title are a few sub-titles that tell us who directed the film, a few of the actors and it's release date. The 'Directed by', 'Starring' and 'Released' title are all in lower case and in italics. The names and the release date are not in italics, but they are in italics in upper case. On the left of the page there is a piece of verticle text that says 'reviews'. It is in century gothic font and the R seems to be level with the 'Released' title.

After the sub-titles is the review itself, which goes from under the sub-titles to very near the bottom of the page. The first letter of the review is bigger than the rest of the text, at about 3 line big. There is always 3 column of text, and about 5-7 paragraphs, adding up to about 500 words. The review text is the smallest on the page, its in lower case and in the____ font. The name of the writer is at the end of the review, in bold and ,upper case and in a different font.

In the bottom right corner of the page is the rating system, which consists of 3 rankings: Anticipation, Enjoyment, and In Retrospect. These titles are in a font very similar to the font the writer's name is in (upper cases and bold), except more spaced out. Next to each of the titles there is a very short opinion on the film's anticipation etc. This is in italics and in lower case. The rating, which is between 1 and 5, is to the right of the title and opinion. This is also in century gothic. The opinion is far away enough too make the rating stand out. there are horizontal lines separating the ratings.

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