Saturday 5 December 2015

Little White Lies Magazine: The Language


Reviews from Little White Lies talk about a small range of subjects about the film and it's background. After reading a couple of reviews from LWLs, They discuss:
  • Social and/or historical context - if it's a film based on true events, like Zero Dark Thirty, the writer could give background information about what the event is and why the writer made it.
  • The main character - LWLs reviews always talk about the main character. It might be about who they chose to play the main character, a little  bit about the character and his/her motives, or if it's an adaptation of a story, like Jack Reacher, they may comment on the character from the original story compared to the character in the film.
  • Part of the plot - They could discuss a little part of the plot, from the opening to maybe a little bit more development. Because Zero Dark Thirty is based on true events (so eveyone knows how it'll end), they discussed the ending a little in the review.
  • Genre and Style - The writers of Little White Lies know that a good chunk of readers work in creative media, so talking about genre, the director's inspiration and the style and themes of the film are what would interest those readers. 
The writers of LWLs expects the level of film knowledge from it's readers, and they use language like 'Werner frickin' Herzog'. This language tells us that we should know who Werner Herzog is, and if we don't it encourages us to find out, as it seems to imply he is a big name in film. It also makes verbs out of nouns, like 'Point Blank-ed' and 'Chuck Norris-ed', which makes the reviews more contemporary and less old-fashioned, while also expecting readers to know about Chuck Norris and Point Blank.

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