Saturday 5 December 2015

Little White Lies Magazine: The Research


Little White Lies is a film magazine that is released once every two months. It is published by The Church of London, who are a small publisher that only publish a couple of other magazines. The magazine mainly focuses of films and reviewing new films in cinemas. What makes LWLs unique is the graphic design. The magazine will always have a feature film, which is the film they choose to put on the front cover and have more information and reviews about. The front cover is always very eyecatching and the rest of the magazine will follow the style and the colour sceme of the cover. The style of most of the magazine will change to match the front cover.


Little White Lies is read mainly by males aged beween 25 and 35 that work in design or media. A survey of 250 readers done in 2008 by The Church of London shows us that 63% (nearly 2 in 3 people) that read LWLs is male, more than half (51%) of readers are aged between 25 and 35 years, and 22% work in media and 20% work in creative design. The survey also suggests that of the 250 people in the survey, 35% but more than 4 DVDs a month and 28% visit the cinema more than 4 times a month. Half of the readers earn £20k or less per year. LWLs is also a very collectable magazine, and 93% of readers don't throw away their copies.

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