Wednesday 11 November 2015

Short Film Titles!

I have been researching short film titles so that we have an idea of what is expected for our title of "Exhibit J." There have been some interesting similarities and differences between these shot film titles. In order for our title to be effective, I had to research and find out what makes a good title sequence. I believe that researching titles have given me a greater understanding. As you can see below there are various titles from the thriller genre. They all use dark colours such as black and white which portrays binary opposites. I believe that bold lettering like "Neighbours" is really effective as it is clear and looks neat which allows the audience to see the title clearly. In addition, the font for "Blood on my name" is quite unique, it looks artistic and rather aged which adds enigma to the short film immediately. The colour yellow is used which tends to portray happiness and joy but in this short film the black background contrasts with the yellow which creates an unusual atmosphere. The film "Park's" title is simple as it just has a black background and dark red lettering which may convey blood or danger. Also, the font is quite common as it is clear and does not give too much away so the audience are kept guessing.  The colour of the title is exceptionally important as it can create immediate enigma and a tense atmosphere. I have noticed that the titles in a short film are not always at the beginning but some are at the end of the film. This is because there is only a small amount of time in a short film which is used by the main footage and storyline whereas the title is less important in a five minute film. 

As our film is a thriller and murder mystery based film, I believe that our title should be full of mystery and enigma as we want the atmosphere to be created right from the very beginning. Therefore, colours such as dark red and black will be suitable and relevant for our short film as those colours connote danger and fear. The font should be clear so that the audience can read it clearly. However, I imagine the font being quite unique, similar to "Blood on my name." Simple titles are good and effective but I think that our short film needs to stand out and attract the demographic immediately. Black backgrounds are a typical convention of a film title but I think that we could overlay the title on some of our footage in our short film so it all links together and connects. There is a shot of the evidence board at the beginning so we could somehow place the title on their as it could look like part of the evidence. If this does not work, then I believe we should stick with the black background or involve the villains mask somehow as the mask is synonymous of fear and is very mysterious.

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