Wednesday 25 November 2015

Comparison...Poster Research 4!

Feature film posters are very different to short film posters. However, there are some similarities as you can see. "The Rusted" is the short film and "Law Abiding Citizen" is the feature length film. I chose these films as they have a similar design which includes the two characters and the colour scheme. In addition, they both have conventions and codes of a thriller and crime genre. As you can see, the positioning of the title is similar in both as they are placed at the bottom of the poster which allows the main image to stand out and appeal to the target demographic. In addition, the credit block is below the title as it is not crucial for the poster, that is why it is in a very small font. There is a certain placement of the credit block as it forms a slight pyramid to make it look as interesting as it possibly can, this is common within all movie posters. The font and style of the text in "Law Abiding Citizen" is bold and looks professional as it connects with the character in the suit showing that he must be a major role within the film. Also, each word of the title overlaps one another which creates an order which also creates a hierarchy showing that the LAW is most important. Furthermore, it is unusual for a film poster because usually the text is clear and in a line.Both posters have text which given us an insight to the context of the film. The rhetorical question on the right poster is very intriguing as it gives us some idea of the plot but still leaves the audience questioning who the other character is in the frame. The white text stands out in front of the dark, gloomy background and the way it overlaps the male's black coat shows that the character is involved in finding the killer, which is similar to my short film. The film poster of  "The Rusted" includes grey coloured text which blends into the background because there is a slight mist throughout which creates an enigmatic atmosphere. The font of the title is bold but looks as though it is rusty, linking to the name of the title. "Rusted" stands out as it is a larger size than the other texts on the poster, it has most significance to the audience. 

The images in both of the posters are quite similar as they include the faces of the two major characters and are uniquely presented.  Firstly, "The Rusted" has joined together two faces and a small image of the house which must hold great significance in the film. The male character is looking towards the camera showing that he is a confident character and is very powerful. On the other hand, the girl looks distraught as she looks away and down to the floor. This connotes a sense of isolation and fear.The house overshadows the two characters and does not seem to fit into the image which builds a disorientated feel to the whole poster. The image is centred so it is the centre piece of the poster which people focus on more. The other film poster also includes two characters. The main character in the suit is standing with pride and power. He is looking to the side which connotes that he is looking for something or someone. The black gloves are synonymous of the crime genre as they are used by criminals who have murdered. If you look closely, you can see the shadow of a male's face which could be the villain of Propp's theory. His face looks grey as dark lighting has been used but his eyes are bright green connoting evil. His facal expression looks as though he is dangerous and enraged. There will clearly be a rivalry between the hero and the villain as this is typical within a crime and thriller genre.

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