Monday 9 November 2015


We have begun the editing stage as we completed filming during half term in the space of two days. I am really looking forward to seeing the end product as we really worked hard on every aspect so far. We are editing our short film in stages. Firstly, we put all the shots in order to ensure that we know the timing and in case we need to film any other shots due to continuity. Now, we are beginning to add effects such as cross dissolve and fade to black to make the film more fluent and interesting to watch. We will not start adding titles, foleys and music until we have ensured that the footage is to a high standard. Before creating a title we need to research audience feedback to see what our target audience thinks as that is very important because they are going to be the ones who are watching the film. We have decided that we are going to cut the editing between the group so that we all can edit a part of the film. Greg has put all the footage on the Mac and put it all in order. Now, Callum is going to add effects such as cross dissolve and I am  going to add the music and we are going to discuss the title together as it is a very important part of the film because it needs to capture the audience.

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