Monday 23 November 2015

Poster Research 2!

"The Memory Thief's" poster is a clear representation of darkness and fear. This is because of the colours used such as the dark grey and black which typically connote danger and terror. I believe that for my film poster, the colours used will be exceptionally important as we want to create an atmosphere for the audience so it stands out and catches the audiences eyes. The disorientated background, which looks like clouds or smoke, makes the figure and title stand out. The font of the title includes bold lettering as well as a standard font. The "memory" represents a vital part of the film poster as it is positioned in the centre of the frame which causes the audience to look at it immediately. In addition, the title is towards the bottom of the frame to allow the unusual image to attract the target demographic and to make the image the centre of the poster.The credit block is typically positioned at the bottom of the frame as it is not an essential part of the poster. It is directly positioned under the title and includes the release date in a small font. The credits use the font which is used in all film posters. In addition, there is extra text on the top left of the poster which is a rhetorical question for the audience. This is an effective way to entice the audience and to get their attention. The language used is very persuasive as it addresses "you" the audience which makes them feel involved and causes them to want to watch more. The question looks as though it is floating within the clouds creating a sinister and mysterious mood. 
The image is very unusual as it represents a historical image but it has been modernised. There are leads and wires hanging out of the figure which leads us to the title. The audience have to look closely to the image as it is very detailed. Also, it is quite high up, it towers over the title showing that is symbolises strength and power within the film. The black and white theme for the costume fits into the mood and atmosphere created for the audience. It also represents goodness, innocence, purity It is considered to be the colour of perfection .As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. However, the black juxtaposes this as it conveys evil and death.

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