Monday 2 November 2015


29th  October 2015
The first day of filming was on the Thursday of the half term as this was most convenient for
all the actors and crew. We filmed in Burgess Hill for most of the day from 10am to 2pm. The office we used belongs to my dad which is located in the industrial estate where it looks like a proper office and professional environment. Unfortunately, many of the actors let us down during half term so we had to alter out storyboard and script as we didn't have the right actors for certain roles. However, it all worked out well and we now have effective shots to piece together during the editing process. I went to the office before everyone else as I wanted to set the scene up. Firstly, I printed out different images of some villains to make it more realistic. Also, I printed out a "Confidential File" and a police document so that it looked professional and the props we used were effective. Lastly, I added some more touches such as the Inspectors name behind the desk.  We started the day by filming the first shots of the storyboard which included an over the shoulder shot of the Inspector and different shots of the map and the evidence board. We mostly followed the storyboard as we had it laid out on the table. The next shots we recorded inluded the extras such as the briefing and the discussion between police officers. We had to record these shots a few times as some of the officers had a line to say and were quite nervous so we took our time to ensure that we filmed the best shot for our short film. The last shots included the murder in the warehouse which was actually a great idea because it creates a lot of enigma and tension is built. Once we finished recording, we checked over all the footage in case we needed to film anything else but we had everything we needed. In the editing stage, if we notice a problem we are prepared to film it again to get the most marks we possibly can. After the Burgess Hill scenes, Callum and Greg had to go home as they needed to get the train and bus. Kyle (the murderer) and I went into Brighton for the afternoon and filmed some quick paced shots near the sea and the Pavilion. I used low key lighting to ensure that the audience would feel suspense and to create an eerie effect. The mask was a crucial part of our short film as it covered the villains identity so I used many close up shots to enhance the horrific mask.
30th October 2015

On the 30th October, we all travelled to Reigate which took about an hour. We arrived and met near the town centre so that Callum could take us to the second location which was behind a shop which looked derelict and abandoned. I was really impressed with the location as it had a lot of potential and we could film many effective shots here. We started to film the first few scenes in the car park as the last scene was the Inspector leaving his office with car keys. Next, we began to film the chase scene which we had to do a few times as some settings did not work but we had to find the right locations for the chase such as a staircase and through doors. These shots are very short to build suspension and tension throughout the end of our film. Then, we filmed the shots that I was involved in because I was a victim in the particular location. We really focused on lighting techniques here because it was quite a dull setting and we needed to brighten it up to see the characters clearly. There were some difficult shots which we had to film a few times until it looked good. Lastly, we filmed the scene where the Inspector is murdered. We used fake blood which Callum put in his mouth to look like he was dying and had just been stabbed, it looks very realistic and quite horrifying. After we filmed, we parted our ways and went back home. I ensured to look at the footage when I got home to see that it all recorded correctly. Now we are happy to begin editing!

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