Monday 16 November 2015

More Editing!


We are now in the editing stage and we have come to the point where we need to include sound effects. Luckily we did some great research previously and have carefully looked at our short film and decided where sound effects are vital. Greg and I have decided to use sounds effects such as screams, footsteps, message tones and dialling. The idea is to create the most realistic atmosphere for our short film and to ensure that people can relate to it and its believable. The female scream is essential during the Reigate scene as it leads the Inspector to the next murder and eventually leads him to the villain, J. In addition, the sound of dialling and a message tone is important for the office scenes as we do not want the scene to be silent, we need some effective sound effects as well as non diegetic music. Greg and I have discussed the music we want and have previously carried out some research. We want the music to be tense and suspenseful to create a dark and gloomy atmosphere from the very start. It has been quite difficult to make the music fit to the shots because its important for it to flow fluently, so we have had to take our time as the music is really significant. In addition, the last scene in Reigate has no narrative so the music is the main part of the shots. Next, we are going to be focusing on the chase scene and we have decided that The  scene needs to  include music that builds up and puts the audience at the edge of their seats. Also, the film needs to come to a dramatic ending which recovers the equilibrium which can be created by the non diegetic sounds.

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