Wednesday 21 October 2015

Title for Exhibit J

My idea for the colour and font of our title for 'Exhibit J'

-Gothic font

-Dark red (like blood)

*Sofia Here*

I have researched different thriller openings and the titles they use. Firstly, I have looked at "The Open Door" which is an award winning short thriller film by Dan Allen. As you can see on the right, a black background is used which is common within this genre because it portrays a sense of mystery and danger. In addition, white font shows that there are binary opposites throughout a short film to create a complex narrative to interest the audience. The text is simple yet effective as it leaves lots to the imagination. It seems as though it has an old fashioned twist as well as a modern twist which allows it to stand out from the black background.
However, in this short thriller film we can see that the text is positioned on top of a video which is quite common within films as it establishes the scene and the environment. The text is bold, large and clear so that the audience are drawn to it. Again, it is white which is synonymous of the genre and conforms to the expectations and conventions of thriller. 

On the other hand, this title is black, small and in lower case lettering which is quite unusual as it may be quite difficult to see. It is also placed on the left hand side of the frame as the  left corner gets the attention first. The bright background illuminates the text making it catch the viewers eyes.

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