Wednesday 7 October 2015

Audience Feedback

During my audience feedback stage, I came up with a few questions to ask audience members who are of the age of our target audience. So, I asked people from college that I knew would give me honest answers to help us with creating our short film. I thought that putting the audience feedback in a video would make it more interesting to watch so the blog was not full of text which can be quite boring to read. I received some great feedback which has really helped the group shape and change some of our ideas. For instance, the question based on a costume for Jack the Ripper gave us the idea of using a long black coat as we were not too sure what he should wear. Furthermore, everyone seemed to like the title "The Ripper" as it is short and sweet and easy to remember. Also, it informs the audience about what the short film is going to be based on and the right, specific audience will want to watch it. The question about the conventions of the thriller genre and expectations is useful as we want to know what our audience wants to see as it is very important in creating a successful and thrilling short film.

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