Sunday 18 October 2015

Change Of Title And Murderer

Discussion About Title And Villain

Within  the last few days, we have decided to change the title of our short film and there are many different reasons for this. Firstly, the title of "The Ripper" was not original enough, I want the audience to question the title and leave them thinking about what it means so that they want to watch the film. In addition, it is obvious who the main villain is as it gives it away so I came up with an idea that was not obvious and connected to the idea of the police environment and the leading Inspector Neeson. I have discussed with the others in the group about the name "Exhibit J" and they all agreed and really liked the idea as you can see in the screenshots below. We have created a group chat so that we can contact each other easily and let one another know if there has been a problem etc. The title links to a police environment as evidence is described as "Exhibit A" or "Exhibit B" so it sounds professional and sophisticated. In addition, the name of the villain originally was called "Jack The Ripper" but that was easy for the audience as there was no enigma or mystery around the name. Everyone knows who the historic figure is and we immediately are aware that he was never found and he murdered his victims in a certain way. I took this into consideration and decided of a simple, memorable name of "J." The letter is exposed later in the short film when the Inspector connects the dots which make a "J" because of the locations that he has been to which all lead to the last scene where the Inspector finally works out where "J" will strike again. In addition, the name is still slightly connected with the idea of Jack The Ripper so it is not completely irrelevant or meaningless. 

Our task is to create a 5 minute long short film. This is challenging as we have a very complex story and many locations to include, we cannot rush it as it needs to have a clear narrative. When it comes to filming we need to make sure that we choose the best scenes to include so we do not use extra shots that aren't included in our storyboard. Also, when it comes to editing, the group needs to ensure that we are strict  with the timing and we need to include the best and most effective shots.

I have asked some of our target audience about the new title and name and here is the feedback I received:

Bethany - "I really like the new name of the villain because it is very mysterious and I want to find out who J is. I also think that the title is effective and I will definitely remember it."

Kyle - "The name "J" is simple but really effective because it can mean absolutely anything which makes the audience wonder what it stands for. The title is really clever and connects with the name of the villain."

Finn - "Thriller is my favourite genre of film because it really grabs the audience so I think that the name is very original and does not give away who the villain is. The name of the villain shows that he  is a copy cat of the real Jack The Ripper but is a modern interpretation."


1 comment:

  1. Good explanation of decisions. The ways in which you introduce and conceal identity will be crucial to the success of this film I think. Consider writing some comments on how you intend to work with the 5 mins limit on this film. It's an issue as this kind of story seems to need longer to tell. It's certainly possible, but you should explain how you avoid a sense that the story is unfinished or unresolved in your short film.
