Wednesday 14 October 2015

Low Key Lighting test

*Sofia Here*
Greg and Callum took some test shots of lighting techniques, there is a video on another blog post which shows them in more detail. However, I believe that this shot is very effective as the low key lighting really establishes the concept of thriller as it creates an eerie atmosphere. In addition, we can use this technique in our short film to show the divide in personality or characters because it is an effective way of hiding someones identity which creates enigma around the character. This technique will be especially useful when we film the murderer called "J" because he has a hidden identity and we need to ensure that the audience fear the character which can be created by lighting and many other techniques. Also, the black background surrounding Callum, really draws the attention to his face and his facial expression which is a vital part of a scene. We can tell a lot from a persons facial expressions and eye contact.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good example of low key lighting, but can you explain how it is relevant to your plans? Does this represent one of your shots? Try to do more of this as trial shots, and explain what you are trying to communicate with this technique.
