Sunday 11 October 2015

Location idea in Burgess Hill

I went for a walk through Burgess Hill town at night and saw a great chance to take a photo of this shot. As you can see, the church is lit up while the surroundings are dark and mysterious. Also, grave stones can be seen which add enigma to the scene and it creates a sense of immortality. When taking this photo, I thought it could be a possible location for "The Ripper" as it included conventions of the thriller genre such as the location, lighting, symbols and colouring. We were thinking of using a church as a location. Even if we do not use this we can learn a lot from this shot as the lighting really captures the mood.

1 comment:

  1. Although these posts are necessary, there is no explanation here, and this is vital for you to get marks. You are missing significant elements of the planning deadline - eg storyboard animatics, and this is now recorded. You must work very hard to catch up.
