Tuesday 29 September 2015

Target Audience - Pre Production Planning

Target Audience

The target audience for our short film, "The Ripper," will be young adults from aged 15+. The main reason for this is because when we come to discussing audience feedback we can easily access this as we can ask people at college with no difficulty. In addition, the topic is quite mature as there will be some complex scenes and it will be a very serious, thrilling short film. As young adults, many will be able to understand the storyline and find it fascinating because of the modern twist. The actors we will be using are at a similar age to us so the audience are able to relate to the characters. The locations we will be using include Brighton which is a well known area within the younger generation and it is a very popular place to visit with friends and family. This will shock the audience and possibly cause them to fear the area.
When it comes to distributing our short film, social networking will be extremely important as most young teenagers and older use social media every single day. I believe that Facebook and Twitter will be great assets to us when we publish our film as we will be able to show it worldwide and receive some great feedback. Also, YouTube is a video sharing website which has taken the Internet by storm and has created many celebrities as their views have reached over a million per video.
Audience Feedback

“THE RIPPER” is a short film that is based on the mysterious story of Jack The Ripper but in modern times. The Inspector spends all his working days trying to track down the Ripper but he just can’t find him. We see various shots of female victims with a dark figure standing over them which we believe is the Ripper, who is covered with a mask so we can’t see his face. In the last scene, there is a chase between the Inspector and The Ripper but eventually the Ripper disappears, nowhere to be seen.  But he comes back for revenge and murders the Inspector. The Ripper has got away and is still trying to be found. Who is Jack the Ripper? Where is he now?

Q1) Do you think the title "The Ripper" is effective and why?
Q2) What conventions of the thriller genre should we use? Music? Camera shots?
Q3) What do you believe Jack the Ripper should wear?
Q4) Would you watch our short film based on Jack the Ripper? Does the storyline interest you?

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