Tuesday 29 September 2015

Short Film Locations - Callum Horncastle

Now that we've decided on a thriller based on Jack the Ripper, we can look at some effective filming location to ensure the film is as powerful as possible.
In our first day of planning, we have already came up with some really good locations, which we we will go onto research.

Our first suggested location, is for the Police Department offices.
Thankfully, Sofia's father runs his own business and has an office building, which he has generously offered for us to use for the film.
We will visit the office to look for filming angles and good shots at a later point.

Another suggestion, for suspense and murder scenes, are the lanes in Brighton.
These confined alleyways are absolutely perfect for a spooky, dark setting, especially if we film at dusk.


With Brighton in mind, we also had the idea of using the Brighton Pier as a location, perhaps having a murder victim underneath the pier?

Another very good idea, for our climatic ending, is the back of The Magpie House in Reigate.
This was the same location we used for Shadow Shot during the AS Coursework.
The area is large and there is plenty of dark areas to create a thrilling tension filled scene.
Having worked there for a long duration of time, I know that this location works well at any time of day, due to the confinement of the tall buildings blocking out the sun, and if there is rain, it still creates a dark effect.


  1. Good locations planned. I suggest a visit to Brighton at night to experiment with lighting and to see when would be least busy. Perhaps take a light with you and take some photos. It's going to be important to try to avoid the orange light of street lights - this can look very poor in the final film. Aim for contrasting low key lighting if you can.

  2. The pier idea is good, but it's important to remember that the pier area is only accessible at low tide, so you would need to build this into your planning if you want to film beneath it. Check it out when you do your reccy of the lanes.
