Wednesday 30 September 2015

Script Draft

The Ripper

Fade in to a crime scene, forensic team walking around, tilt down to a mutilated body.
New report voice over the entire scene.
Cut to forensic scientist photographic body with flash. Cut to body, flash repeatedly.
Flash white, quick fade to next scene.
Picture of the body on an evidence board in the police department.

 "This is the 4th killing this month, we need to crack down on the killer."

Policeman #2
"Detective Neeson, what do you suggest?"

Cut to behind detective Neeson, crab shot around to reveal his face.

Detective Neeson
"The killer seems to be heading south, towards Brighton, he's only hitting big areas to create a bigger fear factor to make a name for himself, so Brighton is the next best place for him."

Cut as he clicks his fingers and whips around.

Detective Neeson
"I want officer patrols doubled there, keep eyes on every nook and cranny. We're going to wait for him."

Cut to black as he closes the door.

Cut to Brighton, happy scenes of families and landmarks.
Detective Neeson on radio, checking for updates.
Suddenly the radio blares on.

"Neeson! We have a body! Jack's here!"

Cut to the policeman.

"This alley has one way in and one way out, meaning he's headed south towards your location!"

Cut to Neeson, he switches off the radio and sprints towards the lanes.
Neeson reaches the lanes and spots the Ripper.
Neeson gives chase. Chase scene.
 Reach a dead end, Ripper is not to be seen.

Detective Neeson
"Come on out, make this easy on the both of us!"

Cut to Jack hiding behind something, brick in his hand.
Cut to Neeson, brick is thrown and hits Neeson, stunning him, Jack gets away.
He shouts in frustration.
Cut to black.

Fade in to the office, he enters, still angry.
He goes to the evidence board and looks at all the documents.

Detective Neeson
"Where's the link?"

He can't find a lead and angrily starts pulling documents off the board.

Detective Neeson
"Where's the bloody link!?"

He rips nearly everything off the board, then throws all the papers off a deck.
He turns back to the evidence board and screams.

Detective Neeson

He stares at the single document hanging from the board, the map of killings.
He takes the document and takes a pen. He joins the marks to form the letter J.
The last point is clear. Close up on Neeson's Face.

Detective Neeson
"I'm coming for you Jack..."

Fade to black.

Fade in to location.
Neeson enters warehouse and finds dying woman.
Jack comes flying out from a hideout and runs away, Neeson gives chase.
Chase scene.
Jack whizzes past a corner
As Neeson comes around the corner Jack stabs him.
Neeson is thrown to the ground and Jack runs off.
Neeson pulls out the knife while on the ground and bleeds to death.
Zoom out on his body. Fade to black.

Fade into alleyway, news report voice over.
Jack's sillouette, he turns around and stares into the camera.
Jack the Ripper
"Jack's Back..."
Cut to black.

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