Tuesday 29 September 2015

Costume Ideas - Pre Production Planning

Costume Ideas- Mise en scene

Background on late 1800's clothing:
Men's fashion took a turn in the late 1800's, also known as the late Victorian era. The changes were influenced by the creation of the sewing machine and the middle class was developing which had a huge impact on the fashion industry. 
In the first decade of the 1800's, men successfully embraced fashions that were appropriate for formal, work and casual occasions. The 1800's were about polish and sophistication, which shows in the clothing that was worn, especially by men.
The fabrics used for 1800's men's clothing was quite important because it played a large part in the fashions having a refined, flawless look. Some were more used than others, but they were all quite lavish. 

Modern Interpretation:
For our short film, we are going to have a modern twist on the clothing from the late 1800's (Victorian era.) I had the idea of the main protagonist (Jack the Ripper) to wear a long back coat to still keep the historic theme. Also, I believe that black coats are quite mysterious and will look good in shadows and windy conditions. As you can see to the right, the black coats looks quite smart and sophisticated but in darkness it could look very effective. In addition, The Ripper will wear suit trousers and black shoes. The reason why I have chosen the colour black is because it adds enigma and looks bewildering. I like the idea of using a black hat similar to the photo above as it relates to Jack the Ripper and crime. In
addition, we thought about using a mask to hide the Ripper's identity which adds to the enigma of the film. Also, the mask is an important aspect of the thriller genre as it conforms to the theme of mystery.

The Inspector:
The Inspector needs to wear smart, professional clothing as he has to be taken seriously and  he will be seen in an office environment surrounded by computers and other typical objects in a police office. I believe that he should wear casual suit, including a shirt, suit trousers, blazer and black shoes. I don't think a tie is needed as he will be running around from scene to scene where the casual suit will be more convincing. 

The female victims will all be wearing everyday, casual outfits at the murder scenes. This will include typical clothing for females such as dresses, skirts and bright feminine colours. I believe that by the female's wearing normal clothing will add to the effect that their deaths happened as a surprise. However, the Ripper would have planned his murders very carefully.
Men's fashion took on major changes in the late 1800s, also known as the late Victorian era. These changes were influenced first by the invention of the sewing machine and second because a middle class was developing which had a heavy influence on fashion.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/facts_7719956_mens-clothing-late-1800s.html
Men's fashion took on major changes in the late 1800s, also known as the late Victorian era. These changes were influenced first by the invention of the sewing machine and second because a middle class was developing which had a heavy influence on fashion.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/facts_7719956_mens-clothing-late-1800s.html
Men's fashion took on major changes in the late 1800s, also known as the late Victorian era. These changes were influenced first by the invention of the sewing machine and second because a middle class was developing which had a heavy influence on fashion.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/facts_7719956_mens-clothing-late-1800s.html
Men's fashion took on major changes in the late 1800s, also known as the late Victorian era. These changes were influenced first by the invention of the sewing machine and second because a middle class was developing which had a heavy influence on fashion.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/facts_7719956_mens-clothing-late-1800s.html

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