Wednesday 30 September 2015

Make Up

I have been looking through many tutorials on slit throat makeup. This is because The Ripper murdered his victims in a very precise manner, he knew what he was doing. Also, in many of the murders, he cut their throats which we want to try to achieve for our short film.

*Insert video of a practice run of the makeup*

[Callum here]
Sofia's research has sparked the idea to create our special effects with this liquid latex method, as I have some liquid latex of my own, I will provide some for our test run.
As dried liquid latex is a natural flesh-like texture, it is absolutely ideal for prosthetics and fake skin.

Script Draft

The Ripper

Fade in to a crime scene, forensic team walking around, tilt down to a mutilated body.
New report voice over the entire scene.
Cut to forensic scientist photographic body with flash. Cut to body, flash repeatedly.
Flash white, quick fade to next scene.
Picture of the body on an evidence board in the police department.

 "This is the 4th killing this month, we need to crack down on the killer."

Policeman #2
"Detective Neeson, what do you suggest?"

Cut to behind detective Neeson, crab shot around to reveal his face.

Detective Neeson
"The killer seems to be heading south, towards Brighton, he's only hitting big areas to create a bigger fear factor to make a name for himself, so Brighton is the next best place for him."

Cut as he clicks his fingers and whips around.

Detective Neeson
"I want officer patrols doubled there, keep eyes on every nook and cranny. We're going to wait for him."

Cut to black as he closes the door.

Cut to Brighton, happy scenes of families and landmarks.
Detective Neeson on radio, checking for updates.
Suddenly the radio blares on.

"Neeson! We have a body! Jack's here!"

Cut to the policeman.

"This alley has one way in and one way out, meaning he's headed south towards your location!"

Cut to Neeson, he switches off the radio and sprints towards the lanes.
Neeson reaches the lanes and spots the Ripper.
Neeson gives chase. Chase scene.
 Reach a dead end, Ripper is not to be seen.

Detective Neeson
"Come on out, make this easy on the both of us!"

Cut to Jack hiding behind something, brick in his hand.
Cut to Neeson, brick is thrown and hits Neeson, stunning him, Jack gets away.
He shouts in frustration.
Cut to black.

Fade in to the office, he enters, still angry.
He goes to the evidence board and looks at all the documents.

Detective Neeson
"Where's the link?"

He can't find a lead and angrily starts pulling documents off the board.

Detective Neeson
"Where's the bloody link!?"

He rips nearly everything off the board, then throws all the papers off a deck.
He turns back to the evidence board and screams.

Detective Neeson

He stares at the single document hanging from the board, the map of killings.
He takes the document and takes a pen. He joins the marks to form the letter J.
The last point is clear. Close up on Neeson's Face.

Detective Neeson
"I'm coming for you Jack..."

Fade to black.

Fade in to location.
Neeson enters warehouse and finds dying woman.
Jack comes flying out from a hideout and runs away, Neeson gives chase.
Chase scene.
Jack whizzes past a corner
As Neeson comes around the corner Jack stabs him.
Neeson is thrown to the ground and Jack runs off.
Neeson pulls out the knife while on the ground and bleeds to death.
Zoom out on his body. Fade to black.

Fade into alleyway, news report voice over.
Jack's sillouette, he turns around and stares into the camera.
Jack the Ripper
"Jack's Back..."
Cut to black.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Target Audience - Pre Production Planning

Target Audience

The target audience for our short film, "The Ripper," will be young adults from aged 15+. The main reason for this is because when we come to discussing audience feedback we can easily access this as we can ask people at college with no difficulty. In addition, the topic is quite mature as there will be some complex scenes and it will be a very serious, thrilling short film. As young adults, many will be able to understand the storyline and find it fascinating because of the modern twist. The actors we will be using are at a similar age to us so the audience are able to relate to the characters. The locations we will be using include Brighton which is a well known area within the younger generation and it is a very popular place to visit with friends and family. This will shock the audience and possibly cause them to fear the area.
When it comes to distributing our short film, social networking will be extremely important as most young teenagers and older use social media every single day. I believe that Facebook and Twitter will be great assets to us when we publish our film as we will be able to show it worldwide and receive some great feedback. Also, YouTube is a video sharing website which has taken the Internet by storm and has created many celebrities as their views have reached over a million per video.
Audience Feedback

“THE RIPPER” is a short film that is based on the mysterious story of Jack The Ripper but in modern times. The Inspector spends all his working days trying to track down the Ripper but he just can’t find him. We see various shots of female victims with a dark figure standing over them which we believe is the Ripper, who is covered with a mask so we can’t see his face. In the last scene, there is a chase between the Inspector and The Ripper but eventually the Ripper disappears, nowhere to be seen.  But he comes back for revenge and murders the Inspector. The Ripper has got away and is still trying to be found. Who is Jack the Ripper? Where is he now?

Q1) Do you think the title "The Ripper" is effective and why?
Q2) What conventions of the thriller genre should we use? Music? Camera shots?
Q3) What do you believe Jack the Ripper should wear?
Q4) Would you watch our short film based on Jack the Ripper? Does the storyline interest you?

Short Film Locations - Callum Horncastle

Now that we've decided on a thriller based on Jack the Ripper, we can look at some effective filming location to ensure the film is as powerful as possible.
In our first day of planning, we have already came up with some really good locations, which we we will go onto research.

Our first suggested location, is for the Police Department offices.
Thankfully, Sofia's father runs his own business and has an office building, which he has generously offered for us to use for the film.
We will visit the office to look for filming angles and good shots at a later point.

Another suggestion, for suspense and murder scenes, are the lanes in Brighton.
These confined alleyways are absolutely perfect for a spooky, dark setting, especially if we film at dusk.


With Brighton in mind, we also had the idea of using the Brighton Pier as a location, perhaps having a murder victim underneath the pier?

Another very good idea, for our climatic ending, is the back of The Magpie House in Reigate.
This was the same location we used for Shadow Shot during the AS Coursework.
The area is large and there is plenty of dark areas to create a thrilling tension filled scene.
Having worked there for a long duration of time, I know that this location works well at any time of day, due to the confinement of the tall buildings blocking out the sun, and if there is rain, it still creates a dark effect.

Props and Set Pieces

Cork Board
The cork board is needed to hold the newspaper clippings and letters, which will come together to create an evidence board.

Newspaper clippings
The clippings will be needed in the first scene where D.I. Neeson is looking over the evidence, trying to figure out his next move. They will be both recent newspapers articles (made up) and real newspapers articles from 1888 (Jack the Ripper time). Some of these will need to be made by us.

 Letters with some blood on them
Linked with the newspaper clippings, the letters will be used in the scene where D.I Neeson is looking at the evidence The letters will have Jack the Ripper's signature printed at the bottom, and they will have some blood on them to indicate that they were found at the crime scene.

Pins & Strings
The pins and string will be used to connect the letters and newspaper clippings together on the board, like you see in some police films. It will show the audience what is connected to what in the opening scene. For example, a location will be pinned on the map (see below) and a string will connect the location to a newspaper clipping, also pinned to the cork board.

Map of South East area with murder locations pinned on them resembling a 'J'
This map shows us where Jack the Ripper has struck previously, and Neeson will realise it's creating a 'J' shape. It will show South East England, between London and Portsmouth.

These props and set pieces will come together to make an evidence board like this:

Phones & Computers for Office
We need the Police department to look like an office environment. For that we will need computers and phones ringing, and some ambient sound of people talking. We will work on finding the foleys during post production. The office we have gotten permission to use already has phones and computers we can use.

Ripper's knife
Used in the final scene, this knife will be covered in blood following the murder Jack committed.

D.I Neeson's gun
Neeson's handgun will be used in the final scene for when D.I Neeson, as a way of defending himself

 Ripper's mask
The mask Jack the Ripper uses to keep his identity hidden. The Ripper will be set in modern times, where there is CCTV cameras everywhere. JtR will use the mask to keep his identity a secret from any possible witnesses and cameras. We will use a bronze-coloured Guy Fawkes mask (like in V for Vendetta).

Costume Ideas - Pre Production Planning

Costume Ideas- Mise en scene

Background on late 1800's clothing:
Men's fashion took a turn in the late 1800's, also known as the late Victorian era. The changes were influenced by the creation of the sewing machine and the middle class was developing which had a huge impact on the fashion industry. 
In the first decade of the 1800's, men successfully embraced fashions that were appropriate for formal, work and casual occasions. The 1800's were about polish and sophistication, which shows in the clothing that was worn, especially by men.
The fabrics used for 1800's men's clothing was quite important because it played a large part in the fashions having a refined, flawless look. Some were more used than others, but they were all quite lavish. 

Modern Interpretation:
For our short film, we are going to have a modern twist on the clothing from the late 1800's (Victorian era.) I had the idea of the main protagonist (Jack the Ripper) to wear a long back coat to still keep the historic theme. Also, I believe that black coats are quite mysterious and will look good in shadows and windy conditions. As you can see to the right, the black coats looks quite smart and sophisticated but in darkness it could look very effective. In addition, The Ripper will wear suit trousers and black shoes. The reason why I have chosen the colour black is because it adds enigma and looks bewildering. I like the idea of using a black hat similar to the photo above as it relates to Jack the Ripper and crime. In
addition, we thought about using a mask to hide the Ripper's identity which adds to the enigma of the film. Also, the mask is an important aspect of the thriller genre as it conforms to the theme of mystery.

The Inspector:
The Inspector needs to wear smart, professional clothing as he has to be taken seriously and  he will be seen in an office environment surrounded by computers and other typical objects in a police office. I believe that he should wear casual suit, including a shirt, suit trousers, blazer and black shoes. I don't think a tie is needed as he will be running around from scene to scene where the casual suit will be more convincing. 

The female victims will all be wearing everyday, casual outfits at the murder scenes. This will include typical clothing for females such as dresses, skirts and bright feminine colours. I believe that by the female's wearing normal clothing will add to the effect that their deaths happened as a surprise. However, the Ripper would have planned his murders very carefully.
Men's fashion took on major changes in the late 1800s, also known as the late Victorian era. These changes were influenced first by the invention of the sewing machine and second because a middle class was developing which had a heavy influence on fashion.

Read more :
Men's fashion took on major changes in the late 1800s, also known as the late Victorian era. These changes were influenced first by the invention of the sewing machine and second because a middle class was developing which had a heavy influence on fashion.

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Men's fashion took on major changes in the late 1800s, also known as the late Victorian era. These changes were influenced first by the invention of the sewing machine and second because a middle class was developing which had a heavy influence on fashion.

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Men's fashion took on major changes in the late 1800s, also known as the late Victorian era. These changes were influenced first by the invention of the sewing machine and second because a middle class was developing which had a heavy influence on fashion.

Read more :

Monday 28 September 2015

Synopsis of The Ripper

The Ripper starts with a voice over of a news report, while we see an office with Detective Inspector Neeson looking at evidence and newspaper clippings (time of original JtR and new) pinned on a wall. The news report basically says that a serial killer (identity unknown, codename Jack the Ripper), is still at large. There would be short flashes of the murders threaded into the scene. Neeson notices that JtR's murders have a pattern starting to resemble a 'J'. Neeson announces to the rest of the department his findings, and that he believes the next town Jack will strike is probably Brighton. Neeson calls the Brighton's police department and explains to them the situation. D.I. Neeson goes to Brighton to help them.

The next scene happens 2 days later at night and it shows D.I Neeson in The Lanes. A moment later, he hears a scream around the corner. He runs to the source of the sound, as a witness runs in the other direction, to find nothing but a trail of blood where the victim has been dragged into an alleyway. He pulls out his handgun and moves slowly in the direction of the blood trail. He enters the alley to find a woman with a slashed throat, and a man in a mask (JtR) running away. D.I. Neeson gives chase.

The final scene involves a chase between the D.I. Neeson and Jack. When the inspector turns a corner, he finds that Jack has vanished. He stops and looks for a second, and suddenly Jack is behind him. Jack grabs him and cuts his throat, then vanishes into the night. The scene, and short film, ends with a voice-over of a news report on Neeson's murder, which says that Jack the Ripper is still at large. 

Updated version:

The Ripper starts with a voice over of a news report, while we see an office with Detective Inspector Neeson looking at evidence and newspaper clippings (time of original Jack the ripper and new) pinned on a wall. The news report basically says that a serial killer (identity unknown, only known as 'J'), is still at large. There would be short flashes of the murders threaded into the scene. Neeson notices that J's murders have a pattern starting to resemble a 'J'. Neeson announces to the rest of the department his findings, and that he believes the next town Jack will strike is probably Brighton. Neeson calls the Brighton's police department and explains to them the situation. D.I. Neeson goes to Brighton to help them.

The next scene happens 2 days later at night and it shows D.I Neeson investigating the area. A moment later, he hears a scream around the corner. He runs to the source of the sound, which he finds is behind a door. He pulls out his handgun and opens the door. He enters to find a woman with a slashed throat. A man in a mask (J), jumps out from behind a curtain, knocks the gun out of Neeson's hand and runs away. D.I. Neeson gives chase.

The final scene involves a chase between the D.I. Neeson and J. When the inspector turns a corner into an alley, he finds that J has vanished. Neeson moves through the alley slowly, and suddenly J comes out from his hiding place, stabs Neeson in the chest, then vanishes into the night. The scene, and short film, ends with a voice-over of a news report on Neeson's murder, which says that the murderer only known as J is still at large, while Neeson slowly dies.

Jack The Ripper Research - Pre Production Planning

Jack the Ripper

The identity of the killer in the East End of London in 1888 has remained a mystery, but the case has continued to horrify and fascinate. Between August and November 1888,the White chapel area of London was the scene of five horrific murders. The killer was named  'Jack the Ripper'. All the women murdered were prostitutes, all except for one, Elizabeth Stride, were horribly mutilated.

There has been much interest as to the identity of the killer. It has been suggested that he was a doctor or butcher, based on the evidence of weapons and the mutilations that occurred, which showed a knowledge of human anatomy. All the circumstances surrounding the murders lead me to form the opinion that the women must have been lying down when murdered and in every case the throat was first cut. We will use this idea when creating murder scenes in our short film to create a realistic theme and to make the protagonist as similar to the real Jack the Ripper as possible. The murders of the victims drew attention to the poor living conditions in the East End and  public opinion against the overcrowded, unsanitary slums grew greater. In the two decades after the murders, the worst of the slums were cleared and demolished, but the streets and some buildings survived and are used by guided tours of the murder sites.

Jack the Ripper's case was the first to create worldwide interest and fear. Adding to the mystery of the affair several letters were sent by the killer to the London Metropolitan Police Service, also known as the Scotland Yard, haunting officers about his gruesome activities and speculating on murders to come.  The police were intrigued by this case as the murderer left no clues which could lead them to the final answer. 

In 2014, Russell Edwards, an author, claimed that he has proven the identity of Jack the Ripper by DNA results found from a shawl belonging to one of the victims, Catherine Eddowes. The reports have not yet been verified, but Edwards asserts they point to Aaron Kosminkski, a Polish immigrant and one of the prime suspects in the horrific murders.


Saturday 26 September 2015

Summer Homework - Callum Horncastle

The short Film “Black Hole” – Media language
Write an in depth textual analysis of how the 4 technical codes communicate meaning.

Black Hole opens with the film title coming through a vignette effect, this instantly shows relevance between film title and the film itself as it depicts the title entering a black hole.

The first shot shows an office, depicted by computers, printers and desks. The sound of a printer can also be heard, which suggests someone is in the office; this creates quite a mysterious atmosphere.
The character is then revealed as the camera zooms into the character's face, his facial expression shows that he is tired or bored, this is also shown with his slouched body language and the sound of his loud sigh.

In a later shot there is a close up of a black hole being printed, followed by a medium shot on the male character, who is confused by the printing, shown by his facial expression.

When the man opens the printer, its green light shines onto the character's face; this choice of colouring makes the video seem quite surreal, or dreamlike.
There is then a low angle shot from within the black hole, which indicates danger and suspense for the audience. The angle of the shot is used so you can clearly see the man through the hole and the audience feel as though we are looking up to him.

Whenever the character puts his hand through the black hole there is the sound of a dark, vibrating whirl, this diegetic sound is used to create tension.

In a later shot, the character reaches into the safe, the shots increase pace to build more anticipation as he takes large amounts of money. The suspension is broken as the character is trapped inside when the printed black hole falls off the safe.

The camera zooms out to show the empty office, you can also hear knocking from inside the safe, which creates a horrifying feeling of being trapped alone.

The editing techniques are well used throughout the film, and efficiently builds suspense and dramatic effect throughout the video; the simplistic setting of an office is also very effective, and shows how a film only requires one simple scene and retain a high standard.

Short Film “Silent Things” – Representation
Write an in depth analysis about the representation of disability.

The short film “Silent Things” explores mental disabilities such as Asperger syndrome.
The opening scene is an establishing shot to show the film's setting; in this case, the beach.
There are cuts to black to show the producers, and the film's title, which is spelt with a lower case 'S', and a full stop, which is very abnormal for a film title.
The diegetic sound of seagulls, the waves and the sea breeze can be heard, creating an effect of realism. Two characters are then revealed through a medium two-shot where they are seen playing with a kite, this is usually seen as normal behaviour for a parent and child; but in this case the characters are adults, and do not act in a mature manner, for instance, the girl has her arms crossed and held up to her shoulder, and she is seen constantly fiddling with her fingers, this use of body language relates to people on the autistic spectrum as it is common for autistic people to be restless and have a need to fiddle with something.
Another example, is throughout the opening, as there is no dialogue as the characters pack up the kite, nor do they make eye-contact. This is unusual as the audience is normally connected with the characters with the use of dialogue and social interaction; however, the awkward manners of the two characters make them very intriguing to watch.

Throughout the film, scene transitions are mainly made up of fading to black, which is not normally used for every scene, this shows the abnormality and repetitive nature of the characters.
For example, the female character's costume is that of a pink jumper to show her femininity but they both look untidy, which shows a lack of personal hygiene.
This condition is an autism spectrum disorder, but is classified as “high functioning”.
Affected people have difficulty with social interactions and have few individual interests and rigid, black-and-white thinking, also known to have a singular, passionate interest that is repeated on a very regular basis.

Later on, a new female character is brought into the scene as the man is again flying the kite, this repetition symbolises his autism as people on the autistic spectrum are prone to having a specific activity that they carry out on a regular basis. The female character's costume makes her out to be hiking, or travelling, shown by her large backpack.

When a group of characters in the background start taunting the male character, the girl claims him to be her boyfriend and tells them to "fuck off."
The male character then asks why she lied, showing no gratitude, and then goes on to say he can't tell lies at all, including 'white lies'.
She describes the male character as "strange", which is unknowingly very offensive, as she was unaware of his mental condition. She is then told about his condition, and she doesn't speak, her body language perhaps showing embarrassment? She then tells him about her parents, and he shows no sympathy or compassion, nor eye-contact, saying that her situation is "strange".
This dialogue and body language show his lack of social queues, as the girl was probably expecting sympathy at that point, again symbolising his Aspergers. The camera-work and editing technique also help to represent his mental disability, with constant shot-reverse shots and cutting, rather than a standard 2-shot, this is done to alienate the characters from each other.
The girl laughs over his statement, which creates a more relaxed atmosphere.
The following shot shows the female character from the start of the film walking towards the other characters. She appears to be frustrated, shown by her body language (fiddling with her hands), and her facial expression look angry, or anxious to meet the new character. This suggests that she also has asperger syndrome, as she is hesitant to meet a stranger.

The first female character scolds the male for making a new friend, showing she is jealous, this is said with the new character present, showing her lack of social awareness.
The male character defends himself, but they rarely make eye-contact, making the situation more awkward, she then walks away without saying another word.
The newer character doesn't speak and awkwardly smiles, unsure of how to engage the situation, this represents autism in a different sense, as it is sometimes a very difficult thing to understand, and fully functional people can be left embarrassed and feeling awkward, not wanting to offend anyone.

There is then a long shot of the two characters sitting on the sand, a ferry is shown in the distance which represents luxury, the opposite of these characters' lifestyles.
The girl tells the male character that she's going on a ferry, and the man goes on to explain how the ferry moves, not picking up on the social queue, the dialogue here heavily represents his disability, as people with Aspergers can often talk about their knowledge of a subject, and not think to comment on the situation itself.
The girl suggests he should join her, and that he's funny. He explains more about ferry's and she laughs, showing she is comfortable with his disability and enjoys his company.

Later on, the two characters are on a ferry, and the male character is seen huffing with anxiety, showing he is nervous of boarding the ferry.

The sound dies out and voices can be heard, which depicts the man hearing voices inside his head, suggesting he also has bipolar disorder, or perhaps having an axiety attack due to the large number of people, the first female character is also shown in occasional shots, having a similar panic; this shows they share the same mental disability and are alike.
As a viewer, I felt sympathy towards them both, wanting to comfort them; this shows that the editing techniques are extremely effective in creating a realistic representation of their disabilites
Near the end of the film, a long shot shows the two characters together again with their backs to the sea; they also have the kite, and do not exchange a word. Showing their mutual understanding of one another.

The relationship between the characters perfectly represents a person's life with a mental disorder, and shows their need for a friend, as they struggle socially.

Using close ups and shot reverse shots can really help the audience understand and empathise with the characters and allow them to develop a personal connection with the characters, regardless of the lack of eye-contact, dialogue, and ordinary body language.

Short Film “Lovefield” – Narrative 
Apply the theorists and terms that were covered in class.

The opening to Lovefield starts with a fade in to an establishing shot of a large wheat field, shortly followed by the film's title fading in, and then out.
The camera is then lowered slowly, while the diegetic sound of the wind is heard, along with some unsettling music to build suspense.

There is a dissolve to the next shot, which is a pan across the field as the music becomes even more haunting.
The narrative is very restricted throughout this entire scene, as we don't know what is going to happen, nor who is in the scene.
 The next shot is also dissolved to, where there is the non-diegetic sound of a boom, followed by the diegetic sound of metal squeaking. The source is off-screen, until the camera pans across to reveal a sign, showing the film's location. The camera is then raised to reveal a crow sitting upon the sign.
There is a cut to a close-up on the crow, as it begins to caw, this is evidently a foley sound.
 The use of the crow is a powerful foreshadow for the film, as crows are carrion birds and are normally seen near dead bodies, hinting towards a possible death?

A few scenes later, there is the diegetic sound of a frantic beeping, it is quiet at first, but gets louder and louder as the scene transitions with constant dissolves.
Eventually a phone is revealed, followed by some money, a bag, and the sound of a woman in pain.
She is not revealed, leaving the narrative extremely restricted, as we do not know what is going on.
A bloody rag is revealed, along with a hand clutching the ground desperately, the woman also cries out in pain. By now, the audience has been led to believe she is being murdered, due to the haunting music and the crow beforehand.
A foot is then revealed, along with the sound of the woman struggling; the music grows louder to build tension as the foot wriggles frantically, before suddenly going limp, and the music stops.
Again, the audience are led to believe she is dead.
Without warning, a bloody tool is savagely stuck into the ground next to the foot as some thrilling music is heard, followed by a cut to the crow, suggesting there is now a corpse in the scene.
There is then a cut to medium close-up of a man standing up, only his lower section can be seen, this builds tension as the camera slowly raises up and reveals a skull tattoo, symbolising death and danger; as the camera reaches the man's head, he looks away towards the crow, so his face is again hidden.

A few shots later, he is seen running away from a low angle, a few cuts to the crow also being showed to increase pace as the music increases.
The narration is leading the audience to believe he is now fleeing the scene, or perhaps searching for a tool to bury the body with, but nothing is entirely revealed, leaving a complete sense of enigma.
The quickened pace, and the close-up fondling of his car keys all contribute to the tension that has suddenly built up over the short space of time, leaving the audience in a bewildered state of wondering what will happen next.
The man frantically searches in the car boot, when there is a sudden pause, the man looks up and stares at the crow, which stares back at him, this is the first time we can properly see the man's face; he is grubby and unclean, making him appear to be a bad, careless or nasty character.
There is then a shot-reverse-shot between the man and the crow before the crow pecks the roof of the car, the man then continues searching; this builds greater tension.
He eventually finds a large pink blanket and leaves the car, the crow continues cawing and the music grows louder, creating further suspense.
The music becomes high pitched as the man is seen approaching two feet, before another cut to the crow to keep the fast pace.
He is then seen on his knees, and is looking down towards the POV camera, holding the blanket, he begins to lean in, and there is a cut to the crow with its beak agape, before another cut to the man leaning further in, placing the blanket over the camera in the same POV shot, and the scene reaches the pinnacle of its tension as there is a cut to the crow, silently staring with its beak still wide open.

The next scene shows the man from a side-on medium shot, looking worn out, before a newborn baby is slowly brought into the scene, and he smiles, along with the woman smiling as well.
The tension is entirely broken as the audience realise the narrative has completely misled them into thinking there was a murder, when it was in fact a childbirth.
The man happily states "it's a boy", and continues laughing while looking at the woman.
There is a close-up on her face as she nuzzles the baby with a large smile, before looking at the man in disbelief, and then back to the baby, showing she's completely overwhelmed with emotion.
The man is now properly understood as a simple farmer, rather than the nasty character he previously depicted, making him a binary opposition of, well, himself!
There is a cut to the crow, looking away and cawing, before another long shot takes its place and slowly tilts up, revealing a tractor, and the couple in the field, along with some calm, harmonious music.
A police car then arrives, which the man signals, showing there is no longer anything hidden, and the film is ended with complete closure and calmness...