Luckily, my brother let us use his canon camera which is really high quality and has great resolution so we could do some complicated filming techniques because of the great camera and the steady tripod which was also my brothers. Everyone in the group contributed to the filming as we are all aware of the different techniques and shot angles and enjoy filming, we used all our talents to our advantage. We used the script that is shown in an earlier Blog post but we did alter it slightly as we wanted to narrative to flow more and to feel more natural. Also, we did change the storyboard but we thought very thoroughly before making changes so we sat down and discussed what we needed to change and how it would effect our final short film. Although, some actors let us down, we got on with the task set and filmed every we needed to and extra just In case. The office environment we used looked very realistic because it had elements such as computers, files and an evidence board which contributed to the conventions of the genre and expectations. In addition, the office scenes in Burgess Hill worked really well because it was a day that the extras could film and we did not have to rush due to other circumstances. As we didn't see the villain in these scenes, in Reigate and Burgess Hill I believe we successfully created enigma around the character due to the mask and his dark, mysterious costume. The connection between the Inspector and Villain was developed during filming as we included many shot reverse shots and different angles to portray the rivalry between them. The whole group really get on and we are friends outside of the course so we knew each others strengths and weaknesses already. There were no arguments or disagreements we worked efficiently and in an organised manner to ensure that we filmed the best possible shots to make our short film effective and intriguing. At the end of the filming task we felt as though we had filmed everything we needed to and more, everyone in the group felt really happy and we were ready to begin editing as soon we we got back to College!
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